Superb AI Renews SOC-2 Type-II Certification and Newly Acquires ISO 27001 Certification

Hyun Kim

Hyun Kim

Co-Founder & CEO | 2023/11/29 | 5 Min

Superb AI has successfully renewed its SOC-2 Type II Certification, first acquired in 2021. SOC-2, a security protocol from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), confirms companies’ rigorous compliance with security and data protection codes for their technologies and services. SOC-2 Type II represents the most comprehensive certification within the Systems and Organization Controls protocol, awarded only to companies whose systems are designed to securely manage customers’ sensitive data.

Additionally, Superb AI has attained the global information security standard, ISO 27001. This certification, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), sets the global standards for information security management systems, including risk management and security policies.

Superb AI upholds premier security guidelines and systems, including data encryption, external audits, regular reporting, security incident simulations, and more. The company ensures secure integration with customer data storage, backed by its robust data security infrastructure.

With its leading-edge security measures, Superb AI provides a suite of solutions for developing Computer Vision AI, which can recognize and interpret images, videos, or 3D data. Their 'Superb Service' offers a full range of services from consultation and data design to algorithm development and operation, while 'Superb Platform' allows for the creation of high-performance AI models on a single platform. This comprehensive platform supports the entire AI development process, including data labeling and management with 'Superb Label,' automated training data curation with 'Superb Curate,' and no-code model training and deployment with 'Superb Model.'

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Superb AI is an enterprise-level training data platform that is reinventing the way ML teams manage and deliver training data within organizations. Launched in 2018, the Superb AI Suite provides a unique blend of automation, collaboration and plug-and-play modularity, helping teams drastically reduce the time it takes to prepare high quality training datasets. If you want to experience the transformation, sign up for free today.

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